Episode #7: Replacing Rod and Main Bearings
Did you know?
Most engine manufacturers recommend replacing your rod and main bearings every 500,000 miles.
Replacing your Rod and Main bearings is good preventative maintenance that will extend the life of your heavy-duty engine.
The #1 sign you need to replace the rod and main bearings is low oil pressure, by replacing your rod and main bearings, you will see your oil pressure increase back within factory specs.
When replacing your rod and main bearings, although it is not required, it is good practice to also replace your oil pump as well.
Can I replace my rod and main bearings myself?
If qualified, with the right tooling, it is possible to replace the rod and main bearings yourself. However, we highly recommend that you allow a professional shop to perform this work for you.
When replacing the rod and main bearings, there is a process that needs to be followed, as well as other components that should be inspected during the process. A highly trained technician will know exactly the process and what to look for during the replacement of the rod and main bearings.
You can always rely on the Legend Truck and Equipment professionals to keep your truck in the best working order possible. So feel free to call or text 1.855.LEGEND8 (1.855.534.3638) to see if your rod and main bearings are due to be replaced today.
Our installments of The More You Know series, comes out on Thursdays! We hope you enjoyed.